
by Joel Limardo

Software Developer and IT Professional

Chicago, IL

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Sat, 03 Jun 2023

Setting Emacs Windows in Code

(defun draw-up-windows (datFile)
(interactive "sPlease enter the package .DAT name: ")
(other-window 1)
(other-window 2)
(find-file datFile)

Above I define a function that asks the user for a file name, splits up the windows, moves around between them, and finally loads the file. For a very long time I have been doing this manually every time I open Emacs. I know there is a way to store these layouts to a file and restore them but I would rather just use code.

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Wed, 27 Jul 2022


I was talking to a younger person and then, out of the blue, he asks, "pico or nano?" I had no idea what he was talking about. Then it hit me -- those are the so-called 'newer' editors that come included with modern Linux distributions. I was pretty quick to say that my first activity with a distribution is to check if emacs is installed. If it is not, install it, and then subsequently change the EDITOR in the shell by updating ~/.bashrc or something similar.

So my posts here are typically going to be about me watching someone struggle writing code in some way with one of these newer editors and respond with 'how you could have done this in emacs.'

  1. Setting Emacs Windows in Code

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